Get equipment
OAuth Scope Required: eq1
Request URI
Accept: application/json
Parameter | Type | Description & Example | In |
ids | array | List of OrganizationEquipment Ids (these ids are unique across all orgs) Example: 1,2,3 | query |
serialNumbers | array | List of serial numbers of the equipment Example: A01775E760247,1DW410ETHFF669067 | query |
organizationIds | array | List of OrganizationIds Example: 1,2,3 | query |
principalIds | array | List of PrincipalIds Example: 1,2,3 | query |
capableOf | string | Allowed Values: Connectivity,!Connectivity | query |
categories | array | Example: Machine,Implement | Machine | Implement Allowed Values: Machine,Implement | query |
organizationRole.type | string | Allowed Values: Controlling,NonControlling | query |
archived | boolean | true or false | query |
embed | string | embed 'pairingDetails' is only supported along with 'devices' or 'equipment' embeds Allowed Values: devices,equipment,icon,pairingDetails | query |
pageOffset | integer | Refers to starting record value Example: 200 | query |
itemLimit | integer | Refers to number of items per page(default 100 max 5000) Example: 200 | query |
Sample Response [JSON]
{ "links": [ { "rel": "nextPage", "uri": ",devices,pairingDetails,icon&pageOffset=200&itemLimit=100" } ], "values": [ { "@type": "Machine", "name": "1H0S680SCE0766303", "serialNumber": "1H0S680SCE0766303", "engineSerialNumber": "RG6135U000500", "ERID": "d3d0bd20-e09f-11ee-92e2-0e5cd6a962d7", "isSerialNumberCertified": true, "modelYear": "2014", "id": 217373, "make": [ { "@type": "EquipmentMake", "name": "JOHN DEERE", "certified": false, "deereOrSubsidiary": true, "id": 1, "ERID": "0e8031fe-fe81-11ea-bec7-124fe3772e59" } ], "type": [ { "@type": "EquipmentMake", "name": "Combine", "id": 222, "ERID": "80619ff7-11fa-11ee-bb58-0e5cd6a962d7" } ], "isgType": [ { "@type": "EquipmentISGType", "name": "Combine", "id": 2, "ERID": "d8dce5b0-cc8d-4c34-afac-27d93793bd86" } ], "model": [ { "@type": "EquipmentModel", "name": "S680", "certified": true, "id": 65985, "ERID": "f2e7d596-35c6-11e7-af34-123e49453e98" } ], "principalId": 217373, "icon": [ { "@type": "EquipmentIcon", "name": "combine", "iconStyle": { "primaryColor": "#367C2B", "secondaryColor": "#FFDE00" } } ], "telematicsCapable": true, "archived": false, "organization": [ { "@type": "Resource", "id": 1234 } ], "organizationRole": [ { "@type": "Controlling", "effectiveTS": "2024-03-15T09:00:29.101Z", "event": "TRANSFER" } ], "devices": [ { "@type": "TelematicsGateway", "serialNumber": "PCMAMGC609250", "make": [ { "@type": "DeviceMake", "name": "John Deere", "id": 1, "ERID": "f8b43e74-3088-4a38-9d66-30aae1ed1a11" } ], "type": [ { "@type": "DeviceType", "name": "Modem", "commonName": "TelematicsGateway", "id": 1, "ERID": "d469a324-2036-11ee-bb58-0e5cd6a962d7" } ], "model": [ { "@type": "DeviceModel", "name": "JDLink Modem-3G", "id": 2, "ERID": "08ac5768-60f5-4adc-933f-e99f04350567" } ], "firmwareVersion": [ { "@type": "Version", "name": "14.01.469" } ], "organization": [ { "@type": "Resource", "id": 1234 } ], "organizationRole": [ { "@type": "Controlling", "effectiveTS": "2024-03-15T09:00:29.109Z", "event": "TRANSFER" } ], "archived": false, "principalId": 271278, "pairingDetails": [ { "paired": true, "associationTimestamp": "2024-03-15T09:00:29Z", "disassociationTimestamp": null, "confirmationTimestamp": "2024-03-15T09:00:29Z", "location": null } ], "pairingStatus": "PAIRED", "orderNumber": 527398, "genericConfigurationVersion": [ { "@type": "Version", "name": "D511DABE-2A48-5F5A-E100-01D3AD8223AA" } ], "decommissioned": false, "stolen": false, "id": 271278, "ERID": "39543208-e0a2-11ee-92e2-0e5cd6a962d7" } ] } ] }