List Field Operations
- organization: The organization which owns this data.
- field: The field in which this operation was performed.
- self: The field operation.
OAuth Scope Required: ag2
Request URI
Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
Parameter | Type | Description & Example | In |
orgId Required | string | Owning Organization ID Example: 12345 | path |
fieldId Required | GUID | Field ID Example: d01111d6-1fa4-4659-943a-3df4a6b7933c | path |
cropSeason | integer | Retrieve operations for a specific crop season (year). Example: 2016 | query |
fieldOperationType | string | Filter results by field operation type. Takes the values "APPLICATION", "HARVEST", "SEEDING", and "TILLAGE". Example: HARVEST | query |
embed | array | List available operation measurement types and totals. Allowed Values: measurementTypes | query |
workPlanIds | List Of GUID | Query by one or more workPlanIds(comma separated) Example: ["d6166574-4ede-404e-8a68-85d4284b869d"] | query |
x-deere-signature | string | x-deere-signature should be managed by the client per user per API. For a new user/new API, the first request will have a blank value for x-deere-signature. Changes can be tracked with the x-deere-signature returned in the response. If the response has not changed since the last API call, the value of x-deere-signature is not changed and the client should use the same String Token next time. Example: 520122365ebb4870a344784570d202c7 | header |
Response Details
Field | Type | Description & Example |
id | string | Field Operation ID Example: MjkyMDdfNT |
x-deere-signature | string | A new x-deere-signature response header will be included if the response has changed since last api call. Example: 520122365ebb4870a344784570d202c7 |
fieldOperationType1 | string | Field Operation type. Example: application |
cropSeason | string | Crop season year. Example: 2015 |
adaptMachineType | string | The type of machine that generated the field operation. This may be "unknown". Example: unknown |
startDate | datetime | Starting date and time of this field operation.. Example: 2015-05-29T22:00:19.200Z |
endDate | datetime | Ending date and time of this field operation. Example: 2015-05-29T22:23:53.746Z |
modifiedTime | datetime | Last time that anything was modified on this field operation. Example: 2016-04-29T22:12:53.446Z |
cropName | string | Crop Name. Example: CORN_WET |
varieties | array | List of seed varieties. Only available on harvest and seeding operation types. May contain guid, productType, name, brand, agencyRegistrationNumber, and tankMix Example: [ { "@type": "Product", "productType": "SEED", "name": "aa1", "tankMix": false } ] |
products | --- | Details of the product applied during this field operation. Includes name, tankmix, rate, carrier, and components data. Example: See sample response below. |
name | string | Name of the tank mix Example: Tank Mix Use 1 |
tankMix | boolean | Boolean flag as to whether the application operation was for a tank mix or not. Example: true |
rate | --- | Rate of the application. Includes value and unitId2 data. Example: See sample response below. |
value | number | Numeric value. Example: 10 |
unitId2 | string | Unit of value. Example: gal1ac-1 |
carrier | --- | Data on the product carrier. Includes name and rate. Example: See sample response below. |
components | --- | Data on the product component. Includes name and rate. Example: See sample response below. |
fieldOperationMachines | object | Machines utilized during this operation |
Sample Response [JSON]
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
x-deere-signature: 520122365ebb4870a344784570d202c7
{ "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ], "total": 2, "values": [ { "@type": "FieldOperation", "fieldOperationType": "Tillage", "adaptMachineType": "unknown", "cropSeason": "2012", "modifiedTime": "2018-05-16T15:04:24.787Z", "startDate": "2012-04-03T14:12:13.000Z", "endDate": "2012-04-06T15:53:37.408Z", "fieldOperationMachines": [ { "@type": "FieldOperationMachine", "erid": "t48a7dd0-as35-44e1-81b4-435d494f7cd5", "machineId": 637795, "operators": [ { "@type": "Operator", "operatorId": "OPERATOR_ID", "license": "OPERATOR_LICENSE", "name": "OPERATOR_NAME" } ], "vin": "WXYEJKB73894JE3" } ], "id": "MjIzMDMxXzU4NDFkMDM2YTA2ZDkwMDk3MGYyNDJkMw", "links": [ { "@type": "Link", "rel": "organization", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "field", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "measurementTypes", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "client", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "farm", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "workPlans", "uri": "" } ] }, { "@type": "FieldOperation", "fieldOperationType": "application", "adaptMachineType": "unknown", "cropSeason": "2013", "modifiedTime": "2014-03-16T15:04:24.797Z", "startDate": "2013-07-03T16:36:08.000Z", "endDate": "2013-07-03T16:47:23.013Z", "products": { "@type": "Product", "name": "Tank Mix", "tankMix": true, "rate": { "@type": "EventMeasurement", "value": 12.5, "unitId": "gal1ac-1" }, "carrier": { "@type": "Component", "name": "Water", "rate": { "@type": "EventMeasurement", "value": 12.5, "unitId": "gal1ac-1" } }, "components": [ { "@type": "Component", "name": "Touchdown Total", "rate": { "@type": "EventMeasurement", "value": 48, "unitId": "floz1ac-1" } }, { "@type": "Component", "name": "FS MaxSupreme", "rate": { "@type": "EventMeasurement", "value": 32, "unitId": "floz1ac-1" } } ] }, "id": "MjIzMDMxXzU4NDFkMDM2YTA2ZDkwMDk3MGYyNDJkNg", "links": [ { "@type": "Link", "rel": "organization", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "field", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "measurementTypes", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "client", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "farm", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "shapeFile", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "shapeFileAsync", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "workPlans", "uri": "" } ] } ] }