- machine: View machine information
OAuth Scope Required: eq1
Request URI
Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
Parameter | Type | Description & Example | Default | In |
id Required | string | Machine ID Example: 5432 | N/A | path |
startDate | datetime | Returns alerts from a specified date onward. Requests are time-based with a maximum length of seven days. Example: 2013-04-29T00:00:00Z | 24 hours before the timestamp of the request | query |
endDate | datetime | Returns alerts until a specific date. Requests are time-based with a maximum length of seven days. Example: 2013-05-02T00:00:00Z | The current time of the request | query |
alertSeverity | integer | Filters the alerts by severity1. Example: 1 | N/A | query |
excludeAcknowledged | boolean | Excludes acknowledged alerts if "true." Example: true | false | query |
Response Details
Field | Type | Description & Example |
id | string | Alert ID. Example: 13243546 |
time | datetime | Time of alert. Example: 2014-10-21T 10:32:30.000Z |
location | See sample code. | Location of machine during the alert. Example: See sample code. Includes latitude and longitude. |
color | string | Alert color1. Example: YELLOW |
severity | string | Severity of the alert1. Example: MEDIUM |
acknowledgementStatus | string | Shows whether the alert was acknowledged. Values are "Y" or "N". Example: N |
ignored | boolean | Shows whether the alert was ignored Example: false |
invisible | boolean | Shows whether the alert was invisible Example: false |
duration | object | Duration of the alert. Example: See sample code. Includes "unit" and "valueAsInteger." |
occurrences | integer | Number of times this alert has occurred. Example: 1 |
engineHours | object | Engine hours of the machine during the alert. Example: See sample code. Includes "links," and "reading." |
machineLinearTime | string | Machine's linear time during the alert. Example: 97604307 |
definition | See sample code. | Further details about the alert and alert source. Example: See sample code. Includes "suspectParameterName", "failureModeIndicator", "bus", "sourceAddress", "threeLetterAcronym", "Id", and "description". |
Sample Response [JSON]
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
{ "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ], "total": 1, "values": [ { "@type": "DiagnosticTroubleCodeAlert", "duration": { "@type": "measurementAsInteger", "valueAsInteger": "3", "unit": "Seconds" }, "occurrences": "1", "engineHours": { "@type": "EngineHours", "reading": { "@type": "measurementAsDouble", "valueAsDouble": 668.25, "unit": "Hours" } }, "machineLinearTime": 36951157, "bus": "0", "definition": { "@type": "DiagnosticTroubleCodeAlertDefinition", "suspectParameterName": "524019", "failureModeIndicator": "31", "bus": "0", "sourceAddress": "140", "threeLetterAcronym": "AIC", "id": "1234567", "description": "Other AIC 524019.31 Reverser lever left in incorrect position. - Return to park to attempt recovery.", "links": [ { "@type": "Link", "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ] }, "id": "123456789", "time": "2020-05-13T19:15:11.000Z", "location": { "@type": "Point", "lat": 41.123456, "lon": -90.234567 }, "color": "BLUE", "severity": "INFO", "acknowledgementStatus": "N", "ignored": false, "invisible": false, "links": [ { "@type": "Link", "rel": "machine", "uri": "" } ] } ] }