List a flag by org id and Flag id
OAuth Scope Required: ag1
Request URI
Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
Parameter | Type | Description & Example | Default | In |
orgId Required | string | Org Id to query for Flag Example: 2101 | N/A | path |
flagId Required | string | flagId to query for flag Example: 688c20bb-9609-4590-95c9-649ba65c06df | N/A | path |
Accept-Language | string | If embedding flag category, language that category name shall be returned within a flag, e.g., "de-DE" Example: de-DE | en | header |
embed | string | Embed additional attributes if required to reduce the number of requests Example: flagCategory, flagCategoryWithPreferences, field, showRecordMetadata | N/A | query |
startTime | string | Flags created after start time (in UTC) will be returned Example: 2018-08-01T00:00:00Z | N/A | query |
endTime | string | Flags created before end time (in UTC) will be returned Example: 2018-08-01T00:00:00Z | now | query |
categoryIDs | string | Specify a comma-separated list of category GUIDs to retrieve Example: 688c20bb-9609-4590-95c9-649ba65c06df,0aed8e88-c27c-424b-8b66-babfe7fcf5ee | N/A | query |
categoryNames | string | Specify a comma-separated list of category names to retrieve. Instead/together with names, aliases for well known categories can be used Example: ROCKS,WEEDS | N/A | query |
recordFilter | string | Request flags by archived status Example: active, archived, all | active | query |
flagScopes | string | Specify whether to request global flags, field-related flags or both Example: global, field, all | all | query |
shapeTypes | string | Clients which cannot handle specific geometry types can select only supported ones. Request flags with geometry only of type Example: Point | Point, LineString, Polygon | query |
simple | boolean | Populates simplified geometry Example: false | false | query |
metadataOnly | boolean | Does not populate geometry, overrides simple if both are true Example: false | false | query |
Response Details
Field | Type | Description & Example |
geometry | --- | Currently only three geometries types (Point, LineString and Polygon) are supported. Example: See sample response below |
notes | string | Free text notes. Example: A big rock on the left after entering the field |
archived | boolean | Indicates whether the flag is archived (true) or not (false). Archived flags SHALL not be returned by endpoints if not requested explicitely by clients. Example: false |
proximityAlertEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the proximity alert is enabled (true) or not (false) for the Flag. Example: false |
id | string | GUID of a flag. Example: 688c20bb-9609-4590-95c9-649ba65c06df |
createdTime | datetime | Date and time of flag creation in UTC. Example: 2018-07-01T21:00:11Z |
lastModifiedTime | datetime | Date and time of last flag modification in UTC. Example: 2018-07-01T21:10:10Z |
Sample Response [JSON]
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
x-deere-signature: 3b539261-5e4b-4e1c-9201-3026f47109bb
{ "@type": "Flag", "geometry": "{\"type\": \"Point\", \"coordinates\": [-93.14959274063109, 41.66881548411553] }", "notes": "A big rock on the left after entering the field", "archived": false, "proximityAlertEnabled": false, "links": [ { "rel": "owningOrganization", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "flagCategoryWithPrefrences", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "createdBy", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "lastModifiedBy", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "field", "uri": "" } ], "id": "688c20bb-9609-4590-95c9-649ba65c06df", "createdTime": "2018-07-01T21:00:11Z", "lastModifiedTime": "2018-07-01T21:10:10Z" }