List Map Layer Summaries
OAuth Scope Required: ag2
Request URI
Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
Parameter | Type | Description & Example | Default | In |
orgId Required | string | Organization ID Example: 1234 | N/A | path |
fieldId Required | GUID | Field ID Example: d01111d6-1fa4-4659-943a-3df4a6b7933c | N/A | path |
includePartialSummaries | boolean | Set includePartialSummaries to true to include Map Layer Summaries without File Resources. Example: true | false | query |
embed | string | Takes these values mapLayers. Example: mapLayers | N/A | query |
Response Details
Field | Type | Description & Example |
links | array | Links to other objects in the Deere ecosystem. Example: See "Available Links" below |
total | number | Count of Map Layer Summaries in response. Example: 3 |
values | Map Layer Summary array | The primary resource listing. |
Map Layer Summary Details | --- | --- |
Sample Response [JSON]
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
{ "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ], "total": 1, "values": [ { "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "owningOrganization", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "targetResource", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "mapLayers", "uri": "" }, { "rel": "createMapLayer", "uri": "" } ], "id": "MAP_LAYER_SUMMARY_ID", "title": "some title", "text": "description of the map layers", "mapType": "OTHER", "metadata": [ { "name": "The Name", "value": "The Value" } ], "dateCreated": "2016-01-02T16:14:23.421Z", "lastModifiedDate": "2016-01-02T16:14:23.421Z" } ] }