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See what's new in John Deere APIs

Please begin testing these new APIs as soon as possible. We will begin deprecating the existing APIs beginning January 2025.

What is changing?

Currently John Deere offers public APIs that refer to “machines” and “implements” separately. Our goal is to combine these two resource types and other “equipment” related data resources into one public API offering and provide more flexibility for connected API applications to query for these resources in different ways and create non-John Deere managed machines in our system.

These new Equipment APIs will enable clients and users the flexibility to gather more relevant information about these resources in their own way and contribute equipment with third party managed telematics devices (along with the addition of a new equipment contributed measurements API to be announced separately). These new APIs will also let customers keep equipment in their org as long as they want and allow multiple organizations to utilize the same serial number.

  • The existing versions of our machine and implement APIs will be replaced with new equipment API endpoints.
    • The new endpoints will have a different base path, such as instead of This new path will be used for both sandbox applications and production applications alike.
    • Please refer to the documentation for a detailed description of these new equipment endpoints.
  • The request and response objects are also changing as we are introducing an updated schema for our equipment resource APIs. Also, there will be a variety of embeds and filters that can be applied to some of these endpoints to slice and dice the data in different ways.
    • Equipment records can be retrieved with details such as connected devices and paired equipment so clients can understand what capabilities a machine currently has.
    • Please refer to the for details on request and response objects for the new APIs.
  • We are introducing the ability to create new equipment records in our system that may or may not utilize non-John Deere telematic devices.
    • We will be introducing public APIs for identifying the proper equipment make, type and model schema for use in contributing a piece of equipment.
    • For equipment creation, external clients will not require a serial number while creating a piece of equipment (machine or implement)
    • Please refer to the for details for required request objects and values for the new APIs around posting in equipment.
  • Equipment records can now be archived in organizations. The API query for equipment will support an “archived” filter parameter.

When is this changing?

  • The new Equipment API endpoints are available now to begin testing with. Clients should begin switching their code to call these new API endpoints and collect data from them.
  • The existing machine and implement APIs will continue to work until sometime in early 2025. Further communication will be coming out later about the deprecation schedule of these endpoints, as these dates may change over time. Your application should remove its dependency on these old API endpoints as soon as possible.
  • Our own John Deere Equipment applications and tools (such as will release the corresponding changes using the new API versions in September 2024.

What action do I need to take?

  • All applications should begin migrating from the existing machine and implement endpoints to the new equipment API endpoints as soon as possible. Here is a summary of the mappings from existing endpoints to new. Please refer to the public documentation or contact API support on for more information.
  • Request MethodExisting EndpointNew Endpoint

    * These endpoints can retrieve equipment records with filter parameters such as organizationIds, Equipment id(s), or serialNumbers with a secondary filter of category = ‘machine’ or ‘implement’

  • The below endpoints will be new. Please refer to the documentation on for detailed information about these APIs and related API calls.
    • GET /equipmentMakes
    • GET /equipmentTypes
    • GET /equipmentModels
    • POST /organizations/{orgId}/equipment
    • PUT /equipment/{id}

Key Dates:

Paging Parameters

Old Matrix Paging Parameters:



New Paging Parameters:



Why did they change?

Precision Tech APIs utilized URI matrix parameters. This type of param is not widely supported by modern frameworks like OpenAPISpec and various servers. The matrix params transitioned to query params.


Old Usage:;start=0;count=100

New Usage:


Today: All systems will stop accepting matrix params for requests. The API response will be the default size of 10 records.

June 1, 2024: All calls including the old matrix parameters will begin to fail.

Paging Header

Old No Paging Header:

No_Paging: true

New Paging Header:

x-deere-no-paging: true


Today: APIs will no longer accept the old header parameter. The default page size of 10 records will be returned if the old header is passed.

June 1, 2024: All calls including the old header will begin to fail.

In addition, the Field Operation Measurements response contains a “productTotals” list, area, averageSpeed, totalMaterial, and averageMaterial that will be replaced with an “applicationProductTotals” list for all Single Product and Tank Mix Operations. The new list will allow for a reference back to the Tank Mix with which the product is associated.

Why is it Changing?

Currently when multiple application products or different tank mixes are applied on a single field the data is separated into multiple Field Operations. In the future, the data will be grouped into a single field operation when it is applied as part of a single application.

Actions Required:

Update all API calls to the Field Operations endpoints listed below to reference the “products” list in the response instead of the single “product” object. Additionally, update all API calls to either the Field Operation Measurement Types endpoints or calls containing the “embed=measurementTypes” query parameter to reference the “applicationProductTotals” list in the response instead of the former “productTotals” list. The new list is structured differently and includes a reference to the associated Tank Mix where applicable.

Impacted API Endpoints


Today: The “products” list and “applicationProductTotals” list is available in the response and will be populated with the single application product or tank mix. The individual “product” and “productTotals” fields will still be available.

July 10, 2024: The “products” list may start including multiple application products and/or tank mixes within a single field operation. The individual “product” field will be fully deprecated and removed from the response. Additionally, the “productTotals” list, area, averageSpeed, totalMaterial, and averageMaterial fields provided with the Field Operation Measurements response will be fully deprecated and removed for all Single Application and Tank Mix Operations.

  • Each application should only create one test organization in Operations Center.

  • Applications must not connect to more than five organizations in Operations Center.

  • Applications must not make more than 150,000 API calls a month.

  • Applications may not remain in the sandbox environment for longer than 18 months.

Applications exceeding any of these guidelines must request that their application to move into the production environment. To learn about how to move to the production environment, please click here. If you are interested in learning about webhooks to help reduce your call volume, you can learn more here. When creating a support ticket, please choose the Support option and Precision Tech in the Industry selector.

Your application must update to the OAuth 2 protocol by 01 May 2022 to stay connected to the JDLink Machine Data API and support your customers' connections to their John Deere account. Technical documentation on the OAuth 2 update can be found at The API endpoints used with OAuth 2 user tokens can be found here.

Make your changes before July 1, 2021 to keep access to customer data and avoid OAuth 1 token termination.

OAuth 2 Technical documentation can be found at

Stay informed about John Deere APIs by keeping the team members’ contact information associated to your application current in the My Applications section of

If you need assistance, contact our API Support Team by clicking the Support button at the bottom of the page.

2. Allow an org to designate which staff members have the authority to manage organization access (Level 2), including entering into contracts with John Deere and accepting terms and conditions.

Each organization will now be presented with a new Terms & Conditions acceptance flow upon login to Operations Center.

Acceptance of these new terms will require the organization user to provide or review the following information:

  1. Legal Entity Name and Address

  2. Review Organization Staff (Users)

  3. Review Partnerships (Permissions)

  4. Review Equipment with JDLink Service contracts

    1. Review terminals to ensure they are in the correct location

    2. Review subscriptions

  5. Accept or decline Organization Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notices

Customers will not be able to do the following until these Terms are accepted:

  1. Access John Deere Operations Center, JDLink Dashboard, mobile apps, etc.

  2. Transfer new terminals into the organization

  3. Make changes to subscriptions – activate, renew or change

  4. Allow Connected Software Companies to access their data via APIs (beginningAugust 13th, 2020)

This Terms change is one example of what we are calling a Required Customer Action (RCA) event. As a Connected Software Company servicing our customers, you will need to prepare your applications to handle possible errors passed through our APIs when a required customer action event has not been handled properly or in a timely manner. Please see the instructions linked above in the RCA documentation section to learn how to handle these events in your application.

Please use the Support button in the bottom of the page if you need more information about Terms & Conditions, or need help preparing your application to handle these Required Customer Action events.