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Operations Center - Boundaries


A boundary is a multipolygon that shows the bounds of a field. It will contain one or more exterior rings, and it may contain interior rings. If there are interiors, they represent parts of the field that should not be worked - waterways, ditches, or other obstacles.

In John Deere Operations Center, field boundaries are optional. It is possible for a field to have zero, one, or many boundaries. When one field has multiple boundaries, usually one boundary is marked Active. When a field has no boundaries, that field may still contain other data. If your software requires that a field have a boundary, one option is to generate a boundary from a Field Operation.

fieldBoundary overview


Need to keep Field Boundaries in sync between your software and John Deere Operations Center? If you are planning to make frequent requests to the Field Boundaries API, please consider subscribing to Boundary Events using the Data Subscription Service. It can alert your application via webhook when boundaries are created or modified.

Endpoints Overview

List Boundaries By OrganizationList all Field Boundaries for the given organization.List Boundaries By FieldList all Field Boundaries for the given organization and field.Get by IDRetrieve a specific Field Boundary. If you are using webhooks, the webhook notification will contain a link to this endpoint.Generate a Boundary from a Field OperationGenerate a Field Boundary that surrounds an existing Field Operation. For more information, see Getting Started.Create a Field BoundaryAdd a Field Boundary to the given organization and field.Update a Field BoundaryModify a specific Field Boundary.

Getting Started

Working with Boundaries is usually straightforward. You can retrieve them via the Fields embed or Boundaries endpoints, or subscribe to them using Boundary Events.

Field Boundaries are optional in John Deere Operations Center. If your software solution requires that every Field have at least one Boundary, the below steps will help you generate missing Field Boundaries.

1. Find Fields With Missing Boundaries

1.1 Use the GET View Field List endpoint with a ?embed=boundaries parameter.

1.2 For each Field in the response, check the boundaries attribute. If it is not populated, there are no Boundaries for that Field.

2. Find Field Operations For Those Fields

2.1 Use the GET List Field Operations endpoint with a specific Field ID.

2.2 Decide which Field Operation to use to generate a boundary. The safest way to pick is to let the end user pick from a list of map images. Otherwise you need to determine criteria to select which Field Operation is most fitting.

3. Generate A Boundary Preview

3.1 Use the GET Generate a Boundary endpoint with a specific Field Operation ID.

3.2 Allow the end user to preview the generated Field Boundary. This is a good time to apply other edits, such as updating the Field Boundary with a meaningful name.

4. Store The Boundary

4.1 Use the POST Create a Boundary endpoint to persist the Field Boundary in Operations Center.

Boundary Object Specification

The term "boundary" refers to a polygon (or set of polygons) that determines the bounds of a field. A boundary must have at least one exterior ring, and may have additional exteriors and/or interiors.

A boundary can be returned on its own, or within a list of boundaries. When returned in a list, each boundary object is inside the boundaries object. The following tables indicate the data included within each boundary object.

namestring---------This is the field name.
areameasurement AsDouble---------This is the area of the boundary.
multipolygonpolygon1unbounded---This is a list of polygons.
extentextent---------The extent of the boundary (the smallest rectangle that will enclose all of the points forming the boundary).
activeboolean------falseIndicates whether this is the active boundary for the field with which it is associated.
signalTypestring---------Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.

Complex Type: Area

valuedouble---------This is the value for total area.
unitstring---------This is the unit of the area.

Complex Type: Polygon

ringsring1unbounded---This is a list of rings. This ring must be an exterior.

Complex Type: Ring

pointspoint4unbounded---This is a list of coordinates that make up a ring. First and last point should be the same, example - Minimum is a triangle.
typestring---------This is the type of ring.
passableboolean------trueIndicates whether the ring is passable.


View Boundaries in an Org


View boundaries in an organization.
  • fields: View the field associated with these boundaries.
  • owningOrganizations: View the organization that owns the field.

OAuth Scope Required: ag1

Request URI


Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json

ParameterTypeDescription & ExampleIn




Example: 1234




Populates response with data lineage information

Example: showRecordMetadata




Filter results based on status; defaults to active

Example: active, archived, all


KeyTypeDescription & ExampleIn / Defaults



Takes METRIC and ENGLISH. Converts measurements to the chosen system.

Example: METRIC


FieldTypeDescription & Example
Boundary ID
Example: 6232611a-0303-0234-8g7d-e1e1e11871b8
Boundary name
Example: Unique_Boundary_name


Boundary area
Example: See sample response below.


Exteriors-interiors of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Describes the source of boundary (requires license to set).
Example: HandDrawn


Boundary shape and exact location.
Example: See sample response below
Boundary type
Example: exterior
"True" indicates that the boundary can be crossed (Ex: a waterway). "False" indicates that the boundary cannot be crossed (ex: a boulder).
Example: true


Coordinates of the extent of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Indicates whether or not the boundary is active.
Example: true
Indicates whether or not the boundary is archived.
Example: true
Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.
Example: dtiSignalTypeRTK
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the last modification made to this boundary.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the time this boundary was created.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z
Indicates whether the contained area is irrigated.
Example: true
200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
x-deere-signature: 3b539261-5e4b-4e1c-9201-3026f47109bb
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "uri": ""
  "total": 1,
  "values": [
      "@type": "Boundary",
      "id": "519dcf9a-9931-4789-9eaa-3dc7399f2840",
      "name": "Unique_Boundary_name",
      "sourceType": "HandDrawn",
      "createdTime": "2018-07-01T21:00:11Z",
      "modifiedTime": "2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z",
      "area": {
        "@type": "MeasurementAsDouble",
        "valueAsDouble": 32.45477594323993,
        "unit": "ha"
      "workableArea": {
        "@type": "MeasurementAsDouble",
        "valueAsDouble": 32.45477594323993,
        "unit": "ha"
      "multipolygons": [
          "@type": "Polygon",
          "rings": [
              "@type": "Ring",
              "points": [
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.65107816712308,
                  "lon": -93.76798868179321
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.650821230227706,
                  "lon": -93.76928965078696
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.65052211771455,
                  "lon": -93.7704892896499
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64998810424595,
                  "lon": -93.77184439555037
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64901785518664,
                  "lon": -93.77358913421631
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64780652027916,
                  "lon": -93.77499124189404
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.646348170121755,
                  "lon": -93.77597093582153
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64513032597595,
                  "lon": -93.7765281704435
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64421554942042,
                  "lon": -93.77667903900146
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.644111321787456,
                  "lon": -93.76941561698914
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64662075564981,
                  "lon": -93.77200126647949
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.651158333570876,
                  "lon": -93.76485586166382
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.65107816712308,
                  "lon": -93.76798868179321
              "type": "exterior",
              "passable": true
      "extent": {
        "@type": "Extent",
        "topLeft": {
          "@type": "Point",
          "lat": 41.607420743,
          "lon": -93.677587509
        "bottomRight": {
          "@type": "Point",
          "lat": 41.604179741,
          "lon": -93.676643372
      "links": [
          "@type": "Link",
          "rel": "self",
          "uri": " /boundaries/519dcf9a-9931-4789-9eaa-3dc7399f2840"
          "@type": "Link",
          "rel": "owningOrganization",
          "uri": ""
          "@type": "Link",
          "rel": "field",
          "uri": ""
      "active": false,
      "irrigated": true,
      "archived": false,
      "signalType": "dtiSignalTypeRTK"

View the Boundaries of a Field


View the boundaries of a specified field.

OAuth Scope Required: ag1

Request URI


Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json

ParameterTypeDescription & ExampleIn




Example: 1234





Field ID

Example: a7cb723f-6707-46fb-a9ff-4e734e3daf58




Populates response with data lineage information

Example: showRecordMetadata




Filter results based on status; defaults to active

Example: active, archived, all


KeyTypeDescription & ExampleIn / Defaults



Takes METRIC and ENGLISH. Converts measurements to the chosen system.

Example: METRIC


FieldTypeDescription & Example
Boundary ID
Example: 6232611a-0303-0234-8g7d-e1e1e11871b8
Boundary name
Example: Unique_Boundary_name


Boundary area
Example: See sample response below.


Exteriors-interiors of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Describes the source of boundary (requires license to set).
Example: HandDrawn


Boundary shape and exact location.
Example: See sample response below
Boundary type
Example: exterior
"True" indicates that the boundary can be crossed (Ex: a waterway). "False" indicates that the boundary cannot be crossed (ex: a boulder).
Example: true


Coordinates of the extent of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Indicates whether or not the boundary is active.
Example: true
Indicates whether or not the boundary is archived.
Example: true
Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.
Example: dtiSignalTypeRTK
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the last modification made to this boundary.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the time this boundary was created.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z
Indicates whether the contained area is irrigated.
Example: true
200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
x-deere-signature: 3b539261-5e4b-4e1c-9201-3026f47109bb
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "uri": ""
  "total": 1,
  "values": [
      "@type": "Boundary",
      "id": "519dcf9a-9931-4789-9eaa-3dc7399f2840",
      "name": "Unique_Boundary_name",
      "sourceType": "HandDrawn",
      "createdTime": "2018-07-01T21:00:11Z",
      "modifiedTime": "2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z",
      "area": {
        "@type": "MeasurementAsDouble",
        "valueAsDouble": 32.45477594323993,
        "unit": "ha"
      "workableArea": {
        "@type": "MeasurementAsDouble",
        "valueAsDouble": 32.45477594323993,
        "unit": "ha"
      "multipolygons": [
          "@type": "Polygon",
          "rings": [
              "@type": "Ring",
              "points": [
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.65107816712308,
                  "lon": -93.76798868179321
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.650821230227706,
                  "lon": -93.76928965078696
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.65052211771455,
                  "lon": -93.7704892896499
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64998810424595,
                  "lon": -93.77184439555037
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64901785518664,
                  "lon": -93.77358913421631
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64780652027916,
                  "lon": -93.77499124189404
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.646348170121755,
                  "lon": -93.77597093582153
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64513032597595,
                  "lon": -93.7765281704435
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64421554942042,
                  "lon": -93.77667903900146
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.644111321787456,
                  "lon": -93.76941561698914
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.64662075564981,
                  "lon": -93.77200126647949
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.651158333570876,
                  "lon": -93.76485586166382
                  "@type": "Point",
                  "lat": 41.65107816712308,
                  "lon": -93.76798868179321
              "type": "exterior",
              "passable": true
      "extent": {
        "@type": "Extent",
        "topLeft": {
          "@type": "Point",
          "lat": 41.607420743,
          "lon": -93.677587509
        "bottomRight": {
          "@type": "Point",
          "lat": 41.604179741,
          "lon": -93.676643372
      "links": [
          "@type": "Link",
          "rel": "self",
          "uri": " /boundaries/519dcf9a-9931-4789-9eaa-3dc7399f2840"
          "@type": "Link",
          "rel": "owningOrganization",
          "uri": ""
          "@type": "Link",
          "rel": "field",
          "uri": ""
      "active": false,
      "irrigated": true,
      "archived": false,
      "signalType": "dtiSignalTypeRTK"

Create a Boundary


Create a boundary with a geometry collection for a field.

OAuth Scope Required: ag3

Request URI


Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json

Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
ParameterTypeDescription & ExampleIn



Organization ID

Example: 1234





Field GUID

Example: a7cb723f-6707-46fb-a9ff-4e734e3daf58


FieldTypeDescription & Example
Boundary Name.
Example: Boundary_Unique_Name
Indicates whether the boundary is active in this field.
Example: false
Indicates whether the boundary is archived.
Example: false
Indicates whether the boundary is irrigated.
Example: false


Polygon representation of the new boundary.
Example: See sample request below.
Describes the source of boundary (requires license to set).
Example: External
Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.
Example: dtiSignalTypeRTK
  "@type": "Boundary",
  "name": "Boundary_Unique_Name",
  "sourceType": "External",
  "multipolygons": [
      "@type": "Polygon",
      "rings": [
          "@type": "Ring",
          "points": [
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": -17.011617912472012,
              "lon": 73.90490448264597
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": -17.323201320401324,
              "lon": 74.16699984419307
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": -17.634784728330636,
              "lon": 74.2718379888119
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": -17.16740961643667,
              "lon": 74.00974262726481
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": -16.959687344483797,
              "lon": 73.85248541033656
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": -17.011617912472012,
              "lon": 73.90490448264597
          "type": "exterior",
          "passable": true
  "active": false,
  "archived": false,
  "irrigated": false,
  "signalType": "dtiSignalTypeRTK"

201 Created

Generate a Boundary from a FieldOperation


Given a field operation, this endpoint will generate and return a boundary that surrounds the area worked by that field operation. Any gaps in that field operation will be treated as interior rings. This endpoint returns the generated boundary, giving you the opportunity to change the boundary name, clean up any unwanted interiors, etc. before POST'ing the generated boundary back into Operations Center.

There are two cases where this API will return an HTTP 400 - Bad Request:

  • If the field already has an active boundary. In this case, please use the existing boundary - it is likely more accurate than a generated boundary.
  • If the field has been merged. In this case, a FieldOperation may only cover one part of the merged field, resulting in an inaccurate boundary.

OAuth Scope Required: ag2

Request URI


Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json

KeyTypeDescription & ExampleIn / Defaults



Takes METRIC and ENGLISH. Converts measurements to the chosen system.

Example: METRIC


FieldTypeDescription & Example
Boundary ID
Example: 6232611a-0303-0234-8g7d-e1e1e11871b8
Boundary name
Example: AutoGenerated 2020 Seeding
Describes the source of boundary (requires license to set).
Example: Auto


Boundary shape and exact location.
Example: See sample response below
Boundary type
Example: exterior
"True" indicates that the boundary can be crossed (Ex: a waterway). "False" indicates that the boundary cannot be crossed (ex: a boulder).
Example: true


Coordinates of the extent of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Indicates whether or not the boundary is active.
Example: true
Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.
Example: dtiSignalTypeRTK
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the last modification made to this boundary.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z
Indicates whether the contained area is irrigated.
Example: true
200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
  "@type": "Boundary",
  "name": "Unique_Boundary_name",
  "sourceType": "Auto",
  "createdTime": "2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z",
  "modifiedTime": "2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z",
  "multipolygons": [
      "@type": "Polygon",
      "rings": [
          "@type": "Ring",
          "points": [
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.65107816712308,
              "lon": -93.76798868179321
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.650821230227706,
              "lon": -93.76928965078696
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.65052211771455,
              "lon": -93.7704892896499
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64998810424595,
              "lon": -93.77184439555037
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64901785518664,
              "lon": -93.77358913421631
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64780652027916,
              "lon": -93.77499124189404
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.646348170121755,
              "lon": -93.77597093582153
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64513032597595,
              "lon": -93.7765281704435
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64421554942042,
              "lon": -93.77667903900146
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.644111321787456,
              "lon": -93.76941561698914
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64662075564981,
              "lon": -93.77200126647949
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.651158333570876,
              "lon": -93.76485586166382
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.65107816712308,
              "lon": -93.76798868179321
          "type": "exterior",
          "passable": true
  "extent": {
    "@type": "Extent",
    "topLeft": {
      "@type": "Point",
      "lat": 41.607420743,
      "lon": -93.677587509
    "bottomRight": {
      "@type": "Point",
      "lat": 41.604179741,
      "lon": -93.676643372
  "archived": false,
  "id": "519dcf9a-9931-4789-9eaa-3dc7399f2840",
  "links": [
      "@type": "Link",
      "rel": "self",
      "uri": ""
      "@type": "Link",
      "rel": "owningOrganization",
      "uri": ""
      "@type": "Link",
      "rel": "field",
      "uri": ""
  "active": false,
  "irrigated": true,
  "signalType": "dtiSignalTypeRTK"

Get a specific boundary


This endpoint will retrieve a specific boundary.

OAuth Scope Required: ag1

Request URI


Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json

ParameterTypeDescription & ExampleIn




Example: 654321





Field Id

Example: e61b83f4-3a12-431e-8010-596f2466dc27





Boundary Id

Example: e7ab3a06-06ca-4d34-8cb7-6fd2a3640a3d


FieldTypeDescription & Example
An identifier for this boundary, which is unique within a field context.
Example: bed69949-df25-4319-8f6c-94c62b466126
Boundary name
Example: Unique_Boundary_name
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the last modification made to this boundary.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z
An ISO-8601 formatted timestamp of the time this boundary was created.
Example: 2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z


The sum of all exterior polygons.
Example: See sample response below.


Exteriors-interiors of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Describes the source of boundary (requires license to set).
Example: HandDrawn
A collection of polygons.
Example: See sample response below
Coordinates of the extent of the boundary.
Example: See sample response below.
Whether or not this boundary is currently in use. A field with associated boundaries will have exactly one active boundary; however, a field may also exist with no boundaries.
Example: true
Indicates whether or not this boundary is currently archived
Example: true
Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.
Example: dtiSignalTypeRTK
Indicates whether the contained area is irrigated.
Example: false
Boundary type
Example: exterior
"True" indicates that the boundary can be crossed (Ex: a waterway). "False" indicates that the boundary cannot be crossed (ex: a boulder).
Example: true
200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
  "@type": "Boundary",
  "name": "Unique_Boundary_name",
  "sourceType": "HandDrawn",
  "createdTime": "2018-07-01T21:00:11Z",
  "modifiedTime": "2017-11-16T15:43:27.496Z",
  "area": {
    "@type": "MeasurementAsDouble",
    "valueAsDouble": 32.45477594323993,
    "unit": "ha"
  "workableArea": {
    "@type": "MeasurementAsDouble",
    "valueAsDouble": 32.45477594323993,
    "unit": "ha"
  "multipolygons": [
      "@type": "Polygon",
      "rings": [
          "@type": "Ring",
          "points": [
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.65107816712308,
              "lon": -93.76798868179321
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.650821230227706,
              "lon": -93.76928965078696
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.65052211771455,
              "lon": -93.7704892896499
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64998810424595,
              "lon": -93.77184439555037
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64901785518664,
              "lon": -93.77358913421631
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64780652027916,
              "lon": -93.77499124189404
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.646348170121755,
              "lon": -93.77597093582153
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64513032597595,
              "lon": -93.7765281704435
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64421554942042,
              "lon": -93.77667903900146
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.644111321787456,
              "lon": -93.76941561698914
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.64662075564981,
              "lon": -93.77200126647949
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.651158333570876,
              "lon": -93.76485586166382
              "@type": "Point",
              "lat": 41.65107816712308,
              "lon": -93.76798868179321
          "type": "exterior",
          "passable": true
  "extent": {
    "@type": "Extent",
    "topLeft": {
      "@type": "Point",
      "lat": 41.607420743,
      "lon": -93.677587509
    "bottomRight": {
      "@type": "Point",
      "lat": 41.604179741,
      "lon": -93.676643372
  "id": "519dcf9a-9931-4789-9eaa-3dc7399f2840",
  "links": [
      "@type": "Link",
      "rel": "self",
      "uri": ""
      "@type": "Link",
      "rel": "owningOrganization",
      "uri": ""
      "@type": "Link",
      "rel": "field",
      "uri": ""
  "active": false,
  "archived": false,
  "irrigated": true,
  "signalType": "dtiSignalTypeRTK"

Update a boundary


This endpoint will update a boundary. The shape of the object must include name, active, irrigated, sourceType, and multipolygons. All these fields can be updated, however a license is required to set sourceType to a value other than "External". If the boundary is set to active, it will mark all other boundaries in this field inactive.

OAuth Scope Required: ag3

Request URI


Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json

Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
ParameterTypeDescription & ExampleIn




Example: 654321





Field Id

Example: e61b83f4-3a12-431e-8010-596f2466dc27





Boundary Id

Example: e7ab3a06-06ca-4d34-8cb7-6fd2a3640a3d


FieldTypeDescription & Example
Boundary Name.
Example: Boundary01
Indicates whether the boundary is active in this field.
Example: false
Indicates whether the boundary is archived.
Example: false
Indicates whether the boundary is irrigated.
Example: false


Polygon representation of the new boundary.
Example: See sample request below.
Describes the source of boundary (requires license to set).
Example: External
Signal Type used when defining boundary. See “dtSignalType” in the John Deere representation system for possible values.
Example: dtiSignalTypeRTK
FieldTypeDescription & Example
Example: 1
200 OK

Delete a boundary


This endpoint will delete a boundary.

OAuth Scope Required: ag3

Request URI


Accept: No Content

Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
ParameterTypeDescription & ExampleIn




Example: 654321





Field Id

Example: e61b83f4-3a12-431e-8010-596f2466dc27





Boundary Id

Example: e7ab3a06-06ca-4d34-8cb7-6fd2a3640a3d


FieldTypeDescription & Example
204 No Content

Additional Information

  1. Types of Boundaries:

    exteriorOuter border of the field.
    interiorBlocked area inside the field.

Boundary Event

Boundary events are triggered whenever an addition, modification, or deletion is made to a boundary. For example, if new boundary data is available or if boundary data has been edited, then an event will be sent. The client must specify an orgId filter while creating a subscription. Other filters are optional. The values for each filter are arrays, so multiple orgIds, boundaryIds may be requested in a single subscription.

These events are provided through Data Subscription Service. Learn how to subscribe to events on the Getting Started page.

Boundary subscriptions are best created for a single orgId rather than multiple since:

  • You cannot change the list of orgIds in a subscription after it has been created, and

  • Subscriptions are terminated if the user loses access to any of the orgIds in the subscription.

Boundary Event Statuses




This indicates whether Boundary is archived or not.


This indicates whether Boundary is in un-archived state or available to use

Boundary Event Actions




This event gets triggered on Boundary Creation.


This event gets triggered on Boundary Deletion.


This event gets triggered on Boundary meta data update, Boundary archive, Boundary unarchive, Field merge, Field unmerge, Field archive, Field unarchive.

Boundary Event Filters








The ID of the organization that the Boundary is associated with.




The ID of the organization that the Boundary is associated with.




The ID of the Boundary itself.




The active status of boundary. Possibles Values are "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE".




The status of the Boundary.




The action that was just performed for the Boundary.

  "clientKey": "johndeere-123456789",
  "eventTypeId": "boundary",
  "targetResource": "",
  "metadata": [
      "key": "orgId",
      "value": "123456"
      "key": "fieldId",
      "value": "5513840f-1a8d-4dd4-aff2-3020d308d154"
      "key": "boundaryId",
      "value": "c303004d-beb8-471d-b144-c44bb5318e55"
      "key": "active",
      "value": "ACTIVE"
      "key": "status",
      "value": "AVAILABLE"
      "key": "action",
      "value": "CREATED"
  "links": [
      "rel": "user",
      "uri": ""
      "rel": "subscription",
      "uri": ""

Authentication (OAuth 2)

The John Deere Precision Tech API endpoints use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. OAuth is an open protocol, and these APIs currently only support the authorization code grant type for external applications.

You can also see our sample code for examples of navigating our OAuth 2 authentication code flow.

  1. Create an Application on

    You must be a validated John Deere user to create an application on If you do not have a John Deere username and password, you can create one using the Create an Account option on our digital tools home page here: You must be able to sign into the to use the Create Application option in the My Applications section of the website. Please follow the steps of the Create Application workflow on the website before proceeding to the next steps.

    Once your application is created, the Security section of the application Details will provide you with the Application ID and Secret necessary for the next steps to sign your API token requests.

    A note on Redirect URIs (Callback URLs):

    During the creation of the application (or found after creation in the application Details/Security section) you will need to define one or any number of Redirect URIs (Callback URLs). These are required for the OAuth 2 authentication flow. If you do not have this when creating the application, there is an example given in that section when creating the application that you may use for now which is http://localhost:9090/callback

    If Redirect URIs are not added to your application properly or used in the authentication process in a different format than listed in the application details (for example encoded vs non-encoded), your users will experience a 400 Bad Redirect error during authentication.

  2. Call the OAuth 2 well-known URL

    With your application client or a web browser window, make a GET request to This URL contains the authorization and token endpoints, as well as the available scopes mentioned in the steps below.

        "issuer": "",
        "authorization_endpoint": "",
        "token_endpoint": "",
        "registration_endpoint": "",
        "jwks_uri": "",
        "response_types_supported": [
            "code id_token",
            "code token",
            "id_token token",
            "code id_token token"
        "response_modes_supported": [
        "grant_types_supported": [
        "subject_types_supported": [
        "scopes_supported": [
        "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
        "claims_supported": [
        "code_challenge_methods_supported": [
        "introspection_endpoint": "",
        "introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
        "revocation_endpoint": "",
        "revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": [
        "end_session_endpoint": "",
        "request_parameter_supported": true,
        "request_object_signing_alg_values_supported": [
        "device_authorization_endpoint": "",
        "dpop_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  3. Acquire an authorization code

    The authorization code is obtained by using the authorization server as an intermediary between the client and resource owner. The client directs the resource owner to an authorization server, and once authorized the server redirects the resource owner back to the client with the authorization code. Along with the GET request to the authorization server URL, you will need to send a response type code parameter, along with OAuth scopes, client ID, state, and redirect URI.


    The authorization URL for the user to follow (in a web browser) should look like this:



    A note on OAuth Scopes and Data Permissions:

    In the  Dev Docs API sections, the required OAuth scopes will be referenced for each method and endpoint. For the OAuth access token, you must request the required scopes for each endpoint your application will be using. DO NOT request all scopes available on our authorization server as not all are required for your application, and your users should be prompted to only accept scopes (permissions) necessary for the API calls you will be making.

    The OAuth scopes your application requests initially for a user access token will directly relate to the permissions granted when the user makes the organization connection to your application. Please refer to the scopes table below. These scopes directly relate to user, partner, and Connected Software Company data access permissions referenced in Team Manager.

    Note: If the user has less permissions in their own organization(s) or their partner organization(s) than the scopes you are requesting initially, only the user’s permission set will be assumed in the connection from the selected organization to your application. We will not grant more permissions to your application than the connecting user has.

    Once the connection from the user’s organization is made to your application, you may request a higher-level scope or new scopes for the user access token, however, the connection permissions must also be adjusted by the user in for the requesting application. Before adjusting those permission levels in the Connections website, the user must have obtained those permissions in their own organization or must be shared by the partner organizations that are currently connected.


    User/Connection Permission



    Organization Management Access Level 1

    View Staff, Operators, and Partners


    Organization Management Access Level 1

    Organization Management Access Level 2

    View Staff, Operators, and Partners

    Modify Staff, Operators, and Partners


    Equipment Access Level 1


    Setup & WDT

    View Equipment

    Remote Display Access

    Setup File Creator, Products, and Wireless Data Transfer


    Equipment Access Level 1

    Equipment Access Level 2

    Equipment Access Level 3


    Setup & WDT

    View Equipment

    Edit Equipment (also View Detailed Machine Measurements)

    Manage Equipment

    Remote Display Access

    Setup File Creator, Products, and Wireless Data Transfer


    Locations Access Level 1

    View Locations (Clients, Farms, Fields and Associated Data)


    Locations Access Level 1

    Locations Access Level 2

    View Locations (Clients, Farms, Fields and Associated Data)

    Analyze Production Data (Website Access Only)


    Locations Access Level 1

    Locations Access Level 2

    Locations Access Level 3

    View Locations (Clients, Farms, Fields and Associated Data)

    Analyze Production Data (Website Access Only)

    Manage Locations & Production Data (Website and API Access)


    Files API Access

    Equipment Access Level 3

    Setup & WDT

    Files API Access (ag3 scope also required for most file types)

    Manage Equipment

    Setup File Creator, Products, and Wireless Data Transfer


    Financial Access Level 1

    View Financials


    Financial Access Level 1

    Financial Access Level 2

    View Financials

    Manage Financials


    Work and Crop Plans Access Level 1

    View Work and Crop Plans


    Work and Crop Plans Access Level 1

    Work and Crop Plans Access Level 2

    View Work and Crop Plans

    View Work and Crop Plans


    API Authentication Only

    Request a Refresh Token

    To summarize the Authorization Code steps:

    1. The customer initiates a request for data from a client application, and the client sends an OAuth request to the authorization server with the proper headers.

    2. The customer is redirected to the John Deere sign-in page.

    3. The customer signs into John Deere, and the request is redirected back to the authorization server.

    4. The customer is then presented with the scope allowance screen. (During first token request, or with modified scopes)

    5. Scope acceptance is sent back to the OAuth server, and the customer is then redirected back to the client application with the authorization code.

  4. Acquire an Access Token

    Once the application has the authorization code, the client then requests an access token from the token server by sending a grant type authorization_code parameter, along with the authorization code, a redirect URI, and the client credentials. The authorization server authenticates the client and issues an access token and a refresh token (only if offline_access scope was requested in the previous step). The access token will expire after 12 hours after which it must be refreshed (see the last step).



    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    • grant_type=authorization_code

    • code={auth_code_from_authorize_call_response}

    • redirect_uri={redirect_uri}

    • client_id={client_id}

    • client_secret={client_secret}

  5. Post authorization redirect to enable organization access

    Once the client obtains a valid access token, there is an additional step required to enable organization data access for your client application. If this step is skipped, the client will receive a 403 Forbidden response when trying the access data for any organization to which the user has access

    1. Make a call to GET /organizations. If you see a ‘connections’ link in the response, your client has not granted access to that organization.

      Note: A user may have access to multiple organizations but may not enable access to all of them. A ‘connections’ may always be returned for an organization the user chooses not to allow your application access to.

      Example Response:

          "@type": "Organization",
          "name": "Spahn Ranch",
          "type": "customer",
          "member": true,
          "internal": false,
          "id": "283480",
          "links": [
              "@type": "Link",
              "rel": "self",
              "uri": ""
              "@type": "Link",
              "rel": "connections",
              "uri": ""
    2. Redirect the user to Operations Center (in a web browser) using the URI provided in the ‘connections’ link. You can also provide a redirect_uri query parameter so the user will be redirected back to your application after the organization selection process is completed. The redirect_uri that is provided must match one of the Redirect URIs listed in your application profile. The redirect_uri must also be URL encoded (i.e. “” should be passed as “”).

      Example URI:{clientId}/select-organizations?redirect_uri={redirectUri}

    3. The user selects the organization(s) to which your client can have access.


    4. Once the organization selection is complete, the user will be redirected back to your application based on the redirect_uri query parameter that was provided. If the redirect_uri query parameter is not provided or is invalid, then the user will remain on the Connections application in Operations Center.

      Additionally, the GET /organizations endpoint will no longer include the ‘connections’ link and instead will include a ‘manage_connections’ link. This will link into the management modal in Connections for the application in the organization. Having the ‘manage_connections’ link implies that a connection between an application and organization is fully established.

      Example Response:

          "@type": "Organization",
          "name": "Spahn Ranch",
          "type": "customer",
          "member": true,
          "internal": false,
          "id": "283480",
          "links": [
              "@type": "Link",
              "rel": "self",
              "uri": ""
              "@type": "Link",
              "rel": "manage_connections",
              "uri": ""
    5. Avoid getting into a redirect loop and only perform the connections redirect one time per user session. There are a few scenarios in Operations Center when a user either decides not to or is unable to complete the organization selection step. If your application does not have access to an organization after completing the connections redirect, we suggest that you inform the user that the connection was not completed and they may need to login to Operations Center to modify the Connection manually.

  6. Use the access token to call API resource

    Once the client obtains the valid access token and the user has enabled organization access for the client, they can use this token to call the appropriate resource server (API) to obtain the data needed.


    For API call structure, parameters, and headers, refer to the Dev Docs section.

    All your API calls should include an Authorization: Bearer {token} utilizing the obtained token.

  7. Setup Token Refresh Process

    The client application will need to pass a refresh token to the authorization (token) server to obtain a new access token before the access token expires (12 hours). For this you will pass through a refresh_token grant type parameter, along with the refresh_token to the token server.

    Even if the customer did not request a resource call, the client would need to initiate a periodic refresh of this token to keep it 'hot'. The refresh token will expire after 365 days if it is not used. If the refresh token expires, the customer will need to re-authenticate. As long as you continue to refresh the access token with this refresh token, it will remain active indefinitely (unless the customer removes all organization connections on to your application).


    Accept: application/json

    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    • grant_type=refresh_token

    • refresh_token={refresh_token}

    • redirect_uri={redirect_uri}

    • scope={scopes}

    • client_id={client_id}

    • client_secret={client_secret}

Using Postman to call the MyJohnDeere API (OAuth 2)

Postman is a third-party API client, which you can use to test your John Deere API calls. You may use the Postman website or the desktop application for calling APIs while in Sandbox to see and follow REST API responses. Other API test clients may work for this as well. The below instructions will provide the initial setup steps to get Postman configured and obtain an OAuth 2 token.

  1. Download and install Postman on your computer (link above), or you may use the web version.

  2. Open Postman, click on Settings at the top, and in General settings turn off all of the Headers options.

  3. In the top nav section of the Postman client application, you can hit the + sign to add a new request to your console.

  4. In the Auth section of that new request tab, there is a dropdown to select the type of authorization you’ll be using. Select the OAuth2 option.

  5. The screen will change, and you will see Type is set as OAuth 2.0.

  6. Add auth data to should be set as Request Headers.

  7. Header Prefix should be set as Bearer.

  8. Within the Configure New Token section, you will need to add values to each of the fields or configure the options before selecting the Get New Access Token button (or it will error out).

    1. Add a Token Name (can be anything).

    2. Leave the Grant Type as Authorization Code.

    3. The Callback URL for redirecting the authorization code back to Postman is The Callback URL can be set to anything in this example. Remember that if you will be using this Postman callback URL, it (and any other Callback URL you use) will need to be synced with your OAuth client. See step 2 in this document for help in syncing this Callback URL with your application.

    4. The Auth URL and Access Token URL can be found with opening a new Postman request window and doing a GET on this URL No Auth is needed for this GET request. You can also open this URL in any internet browser window.

    5. For the Client ID and Client Secret, login, and access your application profile in the "My Applications" section.

    6. In the Details window, under the Security section, you will find this information. What Postman calls the Client ID is called "Application Id" in this window. What Postman calls the Client Secret is called "Secret" in this window. Copy the necessary information into the Postman token section.

    7. The Scope box should be populated with only the scopes require for the API calls you are making (space delimited). The scopes required for your API calls can be found in the Dev Docs section of every API under each endpoint’s documentation.

    8. State is an opaque value to prevent cross-site forgery. Enter any unique string in this box (ex. 12345).

    9. For Client Authentication, this option should be set to Send client credentials in body for this example. (not selecting this option will result in an error)

  9. Once the steps above are complete, press the Get New Access Token button to proceed to the John Deere sign in page where a valid Operations Center user can sign in. If this is the first time the user is obtaining an API token for your application, they will be presented with the scopes acceptance screen, to which they must choose Allow Access (Don’t Allow will result in a token with no assigned scopes).

  10. In the Details window, the first two pieces of information that OAuth requires are found in the Application Details section (illustration below). What Postman calls the Client ID is called "Application Id" in this window. What Postman calls the Client Secret is called "Secret" in this window. Copy the necessary information into the Postman token section.

  11. Once the token is obtained and shown in the Postman screen, select the Use Token button to apply the token to your current API call. (you do not need to configure Authorization headers on the API call, as Postman will do this for you)

  12. The next step is to enter the URL of the API call and configure an Accept header. To test, please configure the API URL to be GET In the Headers section, please configure an Accept header with a value of application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json. (you may leave the default Postman headers in the request, if applicable)

  13. Only once all the steps above are completed, can you hit the Send button in the API request to make the API call and receive a 200 OK response and response body.

  14. If you can’t complete this process or have any questions, please feel free to use the Support button in the top navigation of the page to contact us.


If your client will be making frequent/regular calls to some API to check for updates, you can use Deere's eTag implementation to limit the response to newly modified data. This feature is available for most APIs that return a list through MyJohnDeere API. To use this function:

  1. Include x-deere-signature as a request header.

  2. The response header will include a String Token. Send the request again with this String Token as the value for the x-deere-signature header

  3. If there are no changes to the list, then the resource will return 304 Not Modified. If there are changes to the list, it will return only the changed data, along with a new String Token. You must use this new String Token in your next request.

  4. While using eTags,pagination is skipped and the complete response, which include all the changes since last API call, is returned.

String Tokens should be stored as string data types.

eTags are retained by John Deere for forty-five days. If an eTag is no longer retained, the response will include the whole list. The same will occur if the signature used is not found.


Accept: application / vnd.deere.axiom.v3 + json
x - deere - signature:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
200 OK

pragma: no - cache
date: Tue, 05 May 2015 19:37:58 GMT
server: Apache - Coyote / 1.1
x - deere - handling - server: ldxctc1
x - deere - elapsed - ms: 225
x - frame - options: SAMEORIGIN
x - deere - signature: 520122365ebb4870a344784570d202c7
content - language: en - US
cache - control: no - cache, no-store, max-age=0
transfer - encoding: chunked
connection: Keep - Alive
content - type: application / vnd.deere.axiom.v3 + json;charset=UTF-8
keep - alive: timeout = 5, max=100
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

Accept: application / vnd.deere.axiom.v3 + json
x - deere - signature: 520122365ebb4870a344784570d202c7
Authorization: Bearer {token}
304 Not Modified

date: Tue, 05 May 2015 19:53:00 GMT
cache - control: no - cache, no-store, max-age=0
server: Apache - Coyote / 1.1
connection: Keep - Alive
keep - alive: timeout = 5, max=100
expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT


Links is John Deere’s implementation of HATEOAS. They are handy for discovering additional actions and endpoints. Please note that we do not show or hide returned links in a response based on client API access granted, but we do make efforts to return only those links that a user or application has access to based on data permissions. In summary, not all returned links will be accessible to your application as some APIs are not public facing and you may not have access to that endpoint, and not all returned links will allow every action (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE).

Due to our large number of API's, the number of links can become overwhelming. For some base resources, links can account for the majority of the response payload. You can optionally disable links by specifying a showLinks=none query parameter on any API call. You can also request specific links. For example, showLinks=field,clients will only show links if they have a 'rel' value of 'fields', or 'clients'.

Some Examples:

"links": [
    "rel": "self",
    "uri": ""
    "rel": "fields",
    "uri": ""
    "rel": "clients",
    "uri": ""
    "rel": "owningOrganization",
    "uri": ""

How are these links helpful?

  • Links help to identify and discover additional API's and actions.

  • If you do not have access to a link, it will return a 403 response to your application.

  • Only those returned links that relate to the public APIs visible in are accessible to external applications.

Common Error Codes

When a client application is making requests to John Deere APIs, it will encounter HTTP response errors that should be handled appropriately. Below you will find most of these errors and instructions on handling them.

400 Bad Request

HTTP Code: 400
Response code: Bad Request

This error means that either the POST/PUT body used in the request is incorrect, or if this error is seen in the OAuth 2 POST /token request, it means the refresh token is invalid. Before contacting API Support, please attempt to update the request body or get a valid token for the user. Please see the OAuth 2 documentation here.

401 Unauthorized

HTTP Code: 401
Response code: Server Authorization Failed

This error means that either the application does not have a license for the endpoint, or the user token is expired. Before contacting API Support, please attempt to get a valid token for the user, or use the refresh token process to get a new access token. Please see the OAuth 2 documentation here. Information about what APIs a client application can call by default are listed here, and all other APIs listed on the website are only accessible via a given license.

403 Forbidden

HTTP Code: 403
Response code: Access Denied

This error pertains to the user not having access to this resource. You should only request resources found while navigating the REST endpoints for the user. If the client calls for a resource the user does not have access to, the request will be denied. You can prevent this error by beginning your calls with /platform, and following the returned links to discover resource IDs available to the user (most are found under the /organizations link).

HTTP Code: 403
Response: The client does not have a proper access for this API

This error relates to missing OAuth 2 scopes for the user token. Along with this error code, you will see the client ID, license needed, and read/write/delete scopes needed for that license to make the corresponding requests.

HTTP Code: 403
Response: Requested org is in a restricted state

This error relates to our updates Orgs Terms & Conditions process. We have a guide for handling these requests here.

404 Not Found

HTTP Code: 404
Response code: The requested resource was not found

This error means that the resource ID requested is not valid. All resource IDs should be parsed from API responses immediately before requesting access to it. If IDs are stored for long periods of time, user access to that resource could change or be removed.

429 Too Many Requests

HTTP Code: 429

When the John Deere Servers are overwhelmed by requests, clients may receive a HTTP 429 response. That response may include a "Retry-After" header with a numeric value indicating the number of seconds the client should wait before trying again. When you receive a 429 response with that header, you have to wait at least for the specified time before retrying the request. If a customer is actively waiting for the result, you may need to return an error instead of waiting. If your application is fully asynchronous, always wait the Retry-After amount.

503 Service Unavailable

HTTP Code: 503

When John Deere Servers have a backend or server problem, they MAY return a corresponding Retry-After header along with a 503 response. If a 503 is returned without a Retry-After header then John Deere Servers cannot estimate a reasonable recovery time. Your application should enter an exponential back-off loop or return an error in this case. If a Retry-After header is returned, wait the number of seconds given and try again

For all other possible status codes, please refer to this resource that is publicly available (provided by Wikipedia).


Markdown is a simple and easy-to-use markup language with broad industry adoption. There are readily available tutorials and reference materials if you’d like an introduction.

We do not support everything Markdown offers. The supported Markdown is listed below.

Supported Markdown

Map Layer Summary POST

Markdown is supported on the text field of Map Layer Summaries. View Map Layer Summary POST documentation

A *description* of a **Map Layer Summary** showing Markdown support.
an ordered list:
1. first item 
2. second item 
3. third item 
an unordered list:
- first item 
- second item 
- third item 
More examples can be found at this [link](

Asset Location POST

AssetLocation has a property named measurementData, which supports Markdown on its name attribute. Please note that only links are supported here; no other Markdown will be rendered. View Asset Location POST documentation

"measurementData" : [
        "@type" : "BasicMeasurement",
        <span class="spanText">"name" : "[Leaf Wetness](",</span>
        "value" : "1.3",
        "unit" : "u1"

Testing in Sandbox

By default, your application will only receive access to one API endpoint, which is Organizations in the documentation section of the MyJohnDeere API. You will only be able to call this one API endpoint using the Sandbox URL to start which will help enable your application to create a Connection to a John Deere organization.

What is Sandbox?

Sandbox is an API URL ( which your client application can use to test out API interactions with John Deere APIs using production data. Creating your application and making API calls to the Sandbox URL is self-serve, but does require API licensing for most APIs. Our API Dev Support team is ready to assist you with that licensing, and any questions you may have. You can message us using the Support button below.

Connecting to customers in Sandbox

Since your application Team Members may not have data within their own John Deere organization (or may not have one), you will need to connect your Team Members with customer organizations so that your application can properly access data in Sandbox.
To make this connection, our suggestion is to work directly with a John Deere customer interested in the type of application you are developing. Once you have identified a John Deere customer, you will have to ask the customer to add your application Team Member(s) as a "Staff Member" in their organization. This can be accomplished by the customer using our Team Manager application found in the tools menu of Operations Center or JDLink Dashboard.
See our Postman section for obtaining an OAuth user tokens for your application team members.

Redirect the user to Connections before making API calls

In order for your application to make calls using the GET /organizations API endpoint, you must first redirect the user to the Connections application to turn on organization access to your application after obtaining an OAuth 2 token.

Protecting customer data

Once you are connected to data belonging to our John Deere customers, please ensure that you protect that data in accordance with our API Development License Agreement that you accepted when first logging into As part of our review of your application prior to moving to production, we will be reviewing and approving your use of customer data and also require you to sign our Production API Agreement, referenced in the Go To Production section.
Please visit this link to view our John Deere Data Services & Subscriptions Statement.

Sample Data

If you are interested in loading agronomic test data into your own John Deere Operations Center organization, utilize the files found here. You will need to download these files to your computer and then upload them to the Operations Center using the Files Manager tool.
Sample data related to John Deere machines cannot be fabricated for use by applications, and we currently do not offer a sample data test set. The best option for testing with machine data is to connect to a customer organization as stated above.

Guidelines for Sandbox Usage

While your application is in the sandbox environment, you must adhere to each of the guidelines below. If your application is outside of these guidelines, your sandbox access may be removed.
  • Application owners should only have one test account in Operations Center.

  • Application must not be connected to more than five organizations.

  • Application must not be making more than 150,000 API calls a month.

  • Application must not be in the sandbox environment for over 18 months.

If you wish to continue to be connected to more than one organization, make more than 150,000 API calls a month, or if you have been in the sandbox environment for over 18 months please request your application to move into the production environment. To learn about how to move to the production environment, please click here.

If your application access has been revoked, or if you need to continue in the sandbox environment outside of these guidelines, please fill out a sandbox exception request Your request will be reviewed by the API Integrations team and either approved or denied. Please submit the form to Once approved, the integrations team will communicate with the API support team to renew access or grant the extension.

Moving your application to Production

Once you have developed your application and tested with the Sandbox URL, you can request access to the Production URL. You will then be able to make your app available for public authentication and use.

The API Support team will work with you through the following steps when you are ready to move to production:

  • Update your Application details: In order for your application to be listed in our Connections application you will need to fill out all application detail sections. The API Support team will make your application available to all users in our website only upon request. By default your application details will only be shown to connected organizations within
  • Institute an OAuth 2 flow: In order to obtain user access tokens with our Production URL, your application will need to institute an OAuth 2 authorization code flow for John Deere customers. Please see the OAuth 2 guide here.
  • Run regression tests: Please run a final regression test with your application, and run through the API calls as would be done when in Production. See the tips below. If your regression tests will cause substantial load, please let us know in advance.
  • Test validation & approval: Please contact API Support with the exact date and time of your regression test start/end. The API Support team will review and validate the regression test logs. We may provide feedback at this time that could require further development of your application before production approval.
  • Business validation & approval: Once the regression test is complete and passed, API Support will CC the API Business team on your support ticket for further questions and validation of your application’s usage of John Deere data.
  • Sign a license agreement: An updated API Agreement will be provided to you by the API Business team. At that time, we will also ask for a company name, description, address and contact email so that we can show your application in our Connections (More Tools) page on our website (if desired).
  • Change your code: Once the agreement is signed, we will ask you to update your API calls to our Production URL.
  • Monitor your app’s usage: Please ensure that you are monitoring your applications usage, managing API errors, and contacting API support for any questions along the way.

Here are some tips for passing the regression test:

  • API Calling Pattern: All API calls (for most of the Precision Tech API endpoints) should start with the API Catalog ( The API Catalog will return the /organizations link. You will be able to discover other APIs and data by following the returned links in the /organizations API response HATEOAS. Please note that not all of the links returned in the “links” array in an API response will be available to your application.

    If you receive the 'connections' link for an organization (and no other ’rel’ links), you must redirect the user to the Connections application in order to grant access to the organization first.

  • Pagination: Our API responses are paginated with a default page size of 10. If the response is large it will be chunked into multiple pages, please follow the ’nextPage’ link (example given below) within the response to retrieve the full result set. Page sizes up to 100 are supported by MyJohnDeere API. Please see this guide to Pagination.
  • Avoid Redundant Calls: [Example] You can avoid making calls to both farms and clients. Both calls are often redundant and they do not give additional information beyond what is possible using embeds. You can make a call to the fields API with both client and farms embedded in the URL: GET /organizations/{orgId}/fields?embed=clients,farms. Your application can get all the fields with related clients and farms metadata in one go. Please see the fields documentation that will explain the embeds in this example.
  • Following Returned Links: [Example] To retrieve fields for a partner’s organization, please make a call to GET /organizations/{orgId}/fields. You can follow the links returned in the API response, rather than hard coding the links. Please see the Links section in this guide.
  • Using eTags: You can also take advantage of processing only the changes to the API response since the last API call. Deere eTags can help you with this. Please see the eTags documentation for help with this. We also have developed a webhook called Data Subscription Service to help your application be alerted to changes in certain data. Please see the documentation here that discusses this service.

Self-Service Test Data Utility

Are you ready to try out our APIs? Do you need access to test data? You can utilize our Self-Service Test Data Utility to load different types of data into your John Deere Operations Center organization. Once the data has been loaded, you will be able to test our APIs using your own test organization data.

Getting Access to an Operations Center Organization

Before you can load test data, you must have access to an Operations Center organization. You can be added to an existing one by having a team member invite you into the organization or you can create one by visiting

How to Load Test Data into Operations Center

To load test data into your Operations Center organization, select what type of data you want and authorize your organization. If the test data does not load into Operations Center, please check that you have the appropriate permissions in Team Manager. Once you have the appropriate permissions, try loading the test data again. The process could take up to 30 minutes to load.

Sign In to Load Test Data

Required Customer Action (RCA) Events

A Required Customer Action (RCA) event is a change or addition to the customer‘s organization flow that requires the user to take action before further account activity is allowed. This includes API calls on behalf of a customer.

Example: User must accept new terms and conditions to verify their account information.

What does it look like?

  • The client’s API calls will result in a 403 Forbidden response.

  • X-Deere-Warning header will indicate a more specific error message.

  • Example: "Requested Org is in a restricted state."

  • X-Deere-Terms-Location header will include a redirect URL where the user can take action.

  • Example: "{OrgId}/terms."

  • The response payload will indicate a short description of required user action.

  "@type": "Errors",
  "errors": [
      "@type": "Error",
      "guid": "19f7b283-d383-4990-9e14-1b3ee0f7b63d",
      "message": "Requested Org is in a restricted state."
  "otherAttributes": {}

How should your app handle these RCAs?

  • If possible, navigate the user to the URL supplied in the 403 response X-Deere-Terms-Location header.

  • Implement a way to notify the customer that action is required. Supply a 403 response message and X-Deere-Terms-Location URL as instructions to resolve.

Consider RCA Event handling as a best practice moving forward. Your application should take steps to handle these events now.