Machine List
OAuth Scope Required: eq1
Request URI
Accept: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
Parameter | Type | Description & Example | In |
orgId Required | string | Organization Example: 23421 | path |
includeInactive | boolean | Filters response by inactive machines Example: true | query |
capability | string | Filters responses by the specified machine capability. Example: wdt | query |
embed | string | Takes these values: terminals, breadcrumbs, categories, capabilities, and displays. Separate multiple embeds with commas. Example: terminals | query |
x-deere-signature | string | x-deere-signature should be managed by the client per user per API. For a new user/new API, the first request will have a blank value for x-deere-signature. Changes can be tracked with the x-deere-signature returned in the response. If the response has not changed since the last API call, the value of x-deere-signature is not changed and the client should use the same String Token next time. Example: 4r5392615e4b4e1c92018026f47109bb | header |
Response Details
Field | Type | Description & Example |
x-deere-signature | string | A new x-deere-signature response header will be included if the response has changed since last api call. Example: 3b4392615e4b4e1c92013026f47109bb |
visualizationCategory | string | The category image for the given machine. Example: tractorUtility |
machineCategories | --- | Includes make, model, @type, and DMC information. Example: See sample response below. |
category | --- | Machine category. Includes @type, name, ID, and type. Example: See sample response below. |
make | --- | Machine make. Includes @type, name, ID, and type. Example: See sample response below. |
model | --- | Machine model. Includes @type, name, ID, and type. Example: See sample response below. |
detailMachineCode | --- | Detail machine code. Includes @type, name, ID, and type. Example: See sample response below. |
type | string | Type of value. Example: model |
productKey | string | Machine product key. Example: 42997112 |
engineSerialNumber | string | Machine's engine serial number. Example: RG6090L839275 |
telematicsState | string | Indicates whether the machine is telematically active. Example: active |
capabilities | --- | Machine capabilities. Example: See sample response below. |
terminals | --- | List of terminals attached to this machine. Includes @type and otherAttributes. Example: See sample response below. |
displays | --- | List of displays in this machine. Includes @type and otherAttributes. Example: See sample response below. |
GUID | string | Machine GUID. Example: b2b69591-b502-8k25-8253-e7760c1e524e |
modelYear | string | Machine model year. Example: 2010 |
id | string | Machine ID. Example: 8187 |
vin | string | The VIN of the machine. Example: 1L06215RJDR782108 |
externalID | string | ExternalId is external systems unique identifier of the machine. Example: 123456 |
name | string | The name of the machine. Example: 123456 |
Sample Response [JSON]
Content-Type: application/vnd.deere.axiom.v3+json
x-deere-signature: 9b5392615e4b4e1c92013026f47109bb
{ "links": [ { "rel": "self", "uri": "" } ], "total": 1, "values": [ { "@type": "Machine", "visualizationCategory": "tractorUtility", "machineCategories": { "@type": "MachineCategories", "machineCategories": [ { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "JOHN DEERE", "id": "1", "type": "Make" }, { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "8270R", "id": "754592", "type": "Model" }, { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "Tractor", "id": "1012", "type": "Type" }, { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "RW73262", "type": "DMC" } ], "otherAttributes": {} }, "category": { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "Tractor", "id": "1012", "type": "Type" }, "make": { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "JOHN DEERE", "id": "1", "type": "Make" }, "model": { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "8270R", "id": "754592", "type": "Model" }, "detailMachineCode": { "@type": "MachineCategory", "name": "RW83823", "type": "DMC" }, "productKey": "42997112", "engineSerialNumber": "RG6090L839275", "telematicsState": "active", "externalID": "12345678", "capabilities": [], "terminals": { "@type": "Terminals", "otherAttributes": {} }, "displays": { "@type": "Displays", "otherAttributes": {} }, "GUID": "b2b69591-b502-8k25-8253-e7760c1e524e", "modelYear": "2010", "id": "8187", "vin": "1RW8270RPAP012934", "name": "RW8270R011856", "links": [ { "@type": "Link", "rel": "self", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "organizations", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "lastKnownEngineHours", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "alerts", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "hoursOfOperation", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "deviceStateReports", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "engineHours", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "locationHistory", "uri": "" }, { "@type": "Link", "rel": "contributionDefinition", "uri": "" } ] } ] }